Label LuckyMe and the Social Networks

Seems to be I’m not the only person against the social networks.

I’ve seen that the music label LuckyMe has also stopped using them. In one of their last newsletters emails, I’ve seen this note on the footer:

“We’re off socials. We’re done paying corporations to show our fans our art.

Twitter’s for politics.

Instagram’s for models.

YouTube’s for influencers.

Facebook’s for your aunt.

Why are musicians trying to purpose these places for promotion of music?

These places are not about music. Not any more. There’s no space for it in the timeline. And so LuckyMe are done playing the game. We know our value. We continue to grow this label but your support here is so much more valuable to us than any numbers on a post. Buy a record to support our artists directly. So, thanks for reading this. This mailer is central to what we’re doing.”

I totally agree with that statement where they say that “those places are not about music. Not any more”.

I remember when I started with Instagram, around 2015, basically posting covers of Tracks which I liked. No bots were running yet, and the people were actively interacting through the comments and PMs. Those were not bad times at all, even for informing about my releases through that channel.

And as they say, your support is for me much more valuable than any numbers or likes on a post.

No, the label did not pay me.

I think that this move should be made by other music labels and musicians. It is possible.

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