DFAM “blind” Test Jam ๐Ÿ•น

This week I just purchased the DFAM and I wanted to do a blind test, without reading the manual or user guide.

I just wanted to see what I could get out of that box, without really knowing how it works. After that, the result just amazed me…

It is my first Moog product, but I think it will not be the only one. The quality of the materials and the sound is just incredible.

Simple and “praktisch & gut”. The 47 minutes passed like if they were 5 minutes.

Maybe you like it too ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚

It is just live recorded from the DFAM passing the sound through the T-Resonator II reverb to give a little more of space feeling.

YouTube player

With this, I open a new YouTube playlist for Jams.

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